Jesse Rudiger-Aasgard

Co-Founder and Management Support

Jesse Rudiger-Aasgard is the Co-Founder of Forge 53°, where he assists the team with management support, procurement, and project planning. Since the early days of working in a cold garage with Mike, Jesse has been instrumental in building strong relationships with the team, industry partners, and suppliers. His passion for learning and problem-solving has helped shape the company's sustainable practices and forward-thinking approach.


What are your primary responsibilities at Forge 53°?

I support the team across various functions, including procurement, project planning, and management. I also work closely with our industry partners and suppliers to ensure we’re building sustainably and fostering strong, collaborative relationships.

How long have you been with Forge 53°, and what led you to start the company?

I’ve been with Forge 53° since day one. My first days were spent in a cold, dark garage late at night with Mike, just trying to make neat stuff for people. From the beginning, we were driven by the desire to build something creative and lasting.

What do you enjoy most about working at Forge 53°?

I really enjoy building relationships with our staff. The people here feel like "my people," and it’s incredibly rewarding to come to work each day knowing we’re in it together. I hope they feel the same!

What are some of your hobbies or interests outside of work?

I love to socialize in my community and engage in fun projects. I also enjoy helping people out with things, sometimes even to my own detriment!

What’s a fun fact about you that most people don’t know?

I’ve never left North America—I feel like that's a pretty lonely club!

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

I’d love to be able to shrink down really tiny, like Ant-Man. I think it stems from watching Honey, I Shrunk the Kids or The Magic School Bus when I was younger.

What’s your favourite project you’ve worked on at Forge 53°?

This is a tough one because I’ve enjoyed working on all of them. I know that sounds like BS, but I’m an optimist. Even the most challenging projects have taught me something new. It’s not win or lose, it’s win or learn!

What motivates you to do your best work every day?

I take stock every once in a while and look at what Mike and I, along with our team, have built. We still have a long way to go, but that’s what excites me. I love learning new ways to solve problems—that’s probably what drives me the most.

What’s your favourite book, movie, or TV show?

Terminator 2 and Fantastic Mr. Fox are two of my favourite films.

What is your favourite chip flavour?

Miss Vickie’s Salt & Vinegar—it’s totally worth the pain it causes your mouth!


Mike Muirhead


Kerrie Sanderson