Cole Martyshuk

Designer | Product Developer | Installer

Cole Martyshuk is a Designer, Product Developer, and Installer at Forge 53°. He manages client communications and handles design work for custom metal and functional pieces, collaborating with clients, designers, and the fabrication team. Cole's creativity, passion for lighting, and problem-solving skills make him an essential part of the Forge 53° team.


What are your primary responsibilities at Forge 53°?

I manage client experience through front-line communications, working with industry professionals and creative clients who want to add architectural metalwork to their spaces. I render digital conceptual designs and production designs for projects ranging from railings and doors to artistic cladding, cabinetry, and integrated lighting. Recently, I’ve been working on furniture and functional pieces made from various materials. I also collaborate closely with designers, our fabrication team, and vendors to design and develop custom lighting fixtures for both artistic and functional purposes.

How long have you been with Forge 53°, and what led you to join the company?

I’ve been with Forge 53° for a little over 3 years. During the pandemic’s building boom, Mike reached out to see if anyone could help with shop duties as production volumes were ramping up. I started casually, cutting materials in fabrication while working at two restaurants. After a few months, I realized Forge 53° had more opportunities if I committed to the role. With my interest in interior design, I gradually worked my way into the creative side of the business, pitching a small project to a client on-site. Mike and Jesse gave me the green light to take on design work, which quickly evolved into my diverse role today.

What do you enjoy most about working at Forge 53°?

I love working alongside a passionate and capable team. Everyone brings something valuable to the table, and we have a unique attention to detail that carries through every project, from the initial concept to the final installation. We’re lucky to work with creative and collaborative clients, and it’s rewarding to bring their vision to life.

What’s your favourite project you’ve worked on at Forge 53°?

Definitely anything involving lighting! I’m fascinated by the innovations happening in that industry. One of my proudest projects was a custom cabinet designed to showcase wine and glassware, backed with smoked mirror and integrated lighting. We worked closely with the client on the design, and the lighting made the whole project come alive. It’s still one of their favourite features in their home, and it was a highlight for me early on in my design role.

What motivates you to do your best work every day?

Collaboration. Working with our team and clients to turn artistic visions into reality is what drives me. Overseeing a project from sketches to installation keeps me engaged and motivated.

What are some of your hobbies or interests outside of work?

I’ve been a singer and songwriter since I was 15. I’ve performed at various weddings and festivals across provinces and countries, and I love creating music with friends and fellow musicians. I’m also active, enjoying everything from swimming and lifting to biking, skating, and snowboarding. In the winter, I love a good pick-up game of shinny at an outdoor rink.

What’s a fun fact about you that most people don’t know?

I can't read… just kidding, I filled out all these questions except that one!

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

Telekinesis would be pretty practical for helping people in tough situations and making it easier to install heavy pieces. On a more selfish note, I’d love untethered oceanic exploration. Being able to breathe and move efficiently underwater without the pressure of the ocean affecting me would be amazing. Plus, I’d have VIP access to some private beaches!

What’s your favourite book, movie, or TV show?

My favourite book is The Talent Code by Daniel Coyle. It’s about focused practice and learning through the lens of neuron myelination in the brain, which I find especially useful when learning new things musically. I also love The Hyperion series by Dan Simmons—his far-future concepts are engaging and immersive, and I really enjoyed the first two books.

What is your favourite chip flavour?

Cracked black pepper, kettle-cooked!


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