Taylor O'Neill

Branch Assistant

Taylor O'Neill is a Branch Assistant at Forge 53°, handling customer service, administrative tasks, and tracking expenses. Since joining the team in September 2021, Taylor has brought flexibility and a strong work ethic to the workplace. Outside of work, Taylor coaches a Division 1 women’s soccer team and is conducting research in green criminology.


What are your primary responsibilities at Forge 53°?

I handle customer service, administrative duties, and track and match expenses for the company.

How long have you been with Forge 53°, and what led you to join the company?

I’ve been with Forge 53° since September 2021. Kerrie asked me to join the team, and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity!

What do you enjoy most about working at Forge 53°?

The flexibility and the overall workplace environment are great. It’s a team atmosphere where everyone can be themselves and contribute meaningfully.

What are some of your hobbies or interests outside of work?

I play soccer and coach a Division 1 women’s team. I’m also conducting a research project in green criminology at MacEwan University, focusing on the differences in policing various protests. I’m comparing the Wet'suwet'en blockades and the Coutts border crossing blockade, and I’ll be presenting my findings in the Spring of 2025.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

Teleportation—because I think Nightcrawler is really cool!

What’s your favourite book, movie, or TV show?

I hate choosing favourites, but The Road by Cormac McCarthy is probably my favourite book since it was the first one that made me want to become a writer. As for movies, Little Miss Sunshine and V for Vendetta are top picks, but I also love the Lord of the Rings movies (extended editions only). My current favourite TV shows include Ted Lasso, Fargo (Season 1), Fleabag, True Detective (Season 1), and Shrinking.

What is your favourite chip flavour?

Wavy Smokey BBQ Lays, but sadly, they’ve been discontinued in Canada!


Jessy Sannachan

